Monday, 22 October 2012

Sayings of Great Chess Masters

Enjoy An Online Chess Tournament
1.       “A good sacrifice is one that is not necessarily sound but leaves your opponents dazed and confused”.-Spielmann
2.       “To avoid losing a piece, many a person has lost the game”-Tartakower
3.       “All chess masters can play one game blindfolded”.- Koltanowski
4.       “Chess is 99% tactics”.- Teichmann
5.       “A loser is always at fault”.- Panow
6.       “A good player is always lucky”. – Capablanca
7.       “Oh, I am sorry, is it my move?”-Paulsen
8.       “It is not a move, even the best move, that you must seek, but realizable plan”.- Znoskon Borovsky
9.       “When you see a good move, wait: look for a better one.”- Lasker
10.   “Is that all you got, loser”?- Merlino
11.   “I’d have a pawn rather than a finger”.- Fine
12.   “When I’m white, I win because I am white, when I’m black, I win because I am myself”.- Bogdjubov
13.   “chess was Capablanca’s mother tongue”.- Reti
14.   I played the Bird and Dutch fairy often because I hated memorizing openings”.- Coleman
15.   “There is no remorse like the remorse of chess”. – H.G. Wells

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